D2C Flooring Membership


100% Refundable.

You will be asked to select membership type upon checkout. See below for more details.

$ sq. ft. Price Per Square Foot

*Manufacturer's suggested retail price

SKU: D2C Membership Category:

How it Works

Membership pricing without the membership fees*.
Our “Membership prices” are so low we can not show to non-members. The pricing shown to non-members on our website is the manufacturer’s minimum suggested retail price. In order to view wholesale prices and purchase from us you must create a membership account and login. It’s that simple. Once you create your account and login you will be shown the lowest pricing on the internet. Then you can shop styles and purchase your new flooring.

*In order to process your membership and comply with our supplier’s guidelines we have to charge you a $1.00 membership processing fee. This fee is 100% refundable.